Whitley And Eggborough Community Primary School

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Learning Lane, Whitley, Goole, East Riding of Yorkshire, DN14 0WE



Whitley And Eggborough Community Primary School

Caring, Helping and Sharing

  1. Safeguarding
  2. Home

Safeguarding Home



All stakeholders at WECPS are firmly committed to safeguarding our school children and families. All Staff engage in regular safeguarding training in order to ensure our children and families are well supported and protected from harm.

Our approach to safeguarding is underpinned by our commitment as a  school to ensure that we work together to uphold our school values of CHaS (Caring, Helping and Sharing), Resilience, Empathy, Integrity, Ambition and Citizenship. 

We work closely with families and other agencies to ensure the safeguarding of children including MAST at North Yorkshire County who can be contacted on 01609 780780 and the LADO on 01609 533080.

Underpinning our work is a collection of safeguarding policies and procedures. These policies form part of our statutory duties to safeguard all children. They have been updated to reflect the latest national guidance for safeguarding, as detailed in "Keeping Children Safe in Education" (2024).

Please see our page on policies and National documentation for more information.

Please note, some of these policies may also be displayed on our school 'Policies' page.